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What's so nutritionally good about strawberries?

Strawberries contain a range of nutrients, with vitamin C heading the group. They also contain significant levels of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which fight free radicals. These antioxidant properties are believed to be linked to what makes the strawberry bright red. So what are these weird free radicals? Free radicals are elements that can damage cells, and they are thought to contribute to the formation of many kinds of cancer. In addition to vitamin C, strawberries also provide an excellent source of vitamin K and manganese, as well as folic acid, potassium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Health Benefits

Health Benefits Given their unique combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients, it's not surprising to see strong research support for strawberry health benefits in three major areas: cardiovascular support and prevention of cardiovascular diseases improved regulation of blood sugar, with decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, and prevention of certain cancer types including breast, cervical, colon, and esophageal cancer. In this section, we'll review the outstanding research-based benefits of strawberries in each area.


Our Philosophy

  • Developing outstanding relationships based on trust, the finest quality produce and on-time and on budget delivery
  • Investing into our staff and developing the talents of our management team, all of whom have been selected from our seasonal workers. Giving our 400 plus seasonal staff a caring, rewarding and enjoyable experience with us        
  • Re-investing back into the social fabrics of our local community, supporting local talent and helping local causes


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